Burlesque celebrates women in all shapes and sizes - healthy and happy is sexy...
This blog is a health, fitness and food journal: primarily for myself to keep me motivated, but also for anyone else who would like to join in.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Challenge Accepted!

I want to introduce a couple of challenges into my regular workout as I'm not seeing the results I would like.



So yes, alongside my regular workouts, I am going to try and do these challenges and see if the rewards are reaped. I made it my New Years Resolution to finish things I start, so here goes nothing!

Monday 21 April 2014

Stretching For Splits 1.

While we can't all become contortionists (although if I had a genie in a bottle, it would be one of my wishes!) we can increase and improve our flexibility.

The holy grail of flexibility for many people is a perfect split, so here are some stretches I do, working towards this goal... Stretches should be held for at least 30 seconds to allow the muscle fibres to elongate. Don't overstretch! Hold the stretch at the limit of your comfort level for as long as you can. And don't forget to BREATH!

Lunge Sequence for Hip Flexors
Stand with the feet together and take a large step forward with your right foot. Bend your right knee and place your hands on the floor: (I have a very long body as opposed to my legs so I actually can't place my hands either side of my knee and have to place bot hands on the inside of my legs!) Make sure your knee doesn't come over your toe; push your left leg further back if you need to.

Increase this stretch by bending your left knee to the floor.

Increase further by bending the right leg to the floor: imagine that you're almost trying to sit on your right foot.

Next, bend the left knee and take hold of your left foot with your right hand.

Then wash, rinse and repeat on the other leg!